Good Sex means a better relationship

Good sex

Yes good sex is important for anyone and also for relationships. With good sex both partners have their individual needs covered, but also with sex they feel love, passion and the feeling from when the love and passion started. This feeling is so crucial important and many relationship problems can be traced back to this missing.

Relationships without sex

Yes relationships without sex do exists and can be called platonic relationships, however they are very rare on the first place and normally sooner or later this relationship will fall apart as one or both of the individuals will want to have their sexual need satisfied somewhere else and will fall in love with that person…

Why sex is important in relationships?

Sex is not just a physical activity in relationships. Of course you can give yourself an orgasm with watching some free porn however this will not do anything for your relationship. Important is that you will have the sex together and feel the bonding and the juices melt together and spend quality time together and what better with a long hard erection isn’t it?! Do you ever watch porn? Just be honest… and seeing those pornstars having good sex and being happy doesn’t make you to be the same? Lets move on and dig deeper to find the solution.

Why so many relationships have bad sex or no sex?

This is a difficult questions, but on the other side also an easy one as it is very easy to explain. Couples in the past always had crazy wild, spontaneous sex and a lot of sex, so why suddenly they don’t have? Because it became boring? Because they no longer attract each other? I don’t think so… Yes it became a lot of the same, if you don’t use sex toys and if you don’t use sex pills because you need to keep working on your sexlife if you want to have it quality on the long term. Also role playing can be nice to keep it new and fresh. Mostly however erection problems with the men are a main thing that couples don’t have sex. Women are wet and horny, but if the man can’t get his manhood up, then is is basically a game over. That’s why erection pills for the men are crucial to keep relationships happy. The woman will have many orgasms and is happy and by being happy can better care for the man and the man will not feel the urge to cheat on his wife or girlfriend because he is totally “empty” ( 🙂 ) by having sex with his lovely girl – a win-win situation! And that only with some simple blue pill (viagra) or orange pill (cialis).

Erection Pills
Erection Pills

Welcome to our blog about Relationships!

Welcome to our blog about Relationships!

Welcome to our blog about Relationship Tips to improve your relationship or marriage. Be more successful, happier in life and have the best loving relationship with your partner thanks to these tips.

What is an happy relationship?

We believe in relationships and wish everyone in the world a wonderful, loving, meaningful and successful relationship with their loved ones. Be it between man and women or same sex relationships, practically these tips are all the same for any relationship. Of course in first instance with your wife or husband, but also with your children. Unfortunately there are many divorces, even though they do marriage counseling. Not only to mention the relationships between men and women in general… mostly fail and this shouldn’t be and that’s why we started this blog about “relationship tips” with simple yet effective tips and even sex tips to keep your relationship better and more successful with the goal to have simply a better and more successful life. As author of this blog I have had many relationships and I have studied all of them and came with many tups and want to share these with the rest of the world so others don’t make the same mistakes which I did. This our first post, but we will post many others so enjoy reading, learning and get the tips that are proven to work!

Hugs, Love, Pease from the Author … Sebastien.